Course Marshall traiNing prograM

I am about half-way through the RNZYS Course Marshall Training Program (CMTP) for the America’s Cup. COVID-19 caused many a delay to the start of the program, but it is finally well under way with the last group completing their stage one training last weekend.  I was part of another group completing the training component with the Police Maritime Unit which was both fun and insightful. 

Vessel induction aboard the Rayglass Protectors

Vessel induction aboard the Rayglass Protectors

This is the first America’s Cup to be held in New Zealand since Maritime Regulations changed, meaning that things need to be run differently to the way they were during the previous two cups held here in 2000 and 2003.  

The CMTP therefore came about as no other industry qualification meets the requirements of the new Maritime Regulations. The CMTP is a MNZ recognised industry specific training program designed from scratch by the team of facilitators at the RNZYS who have drawn on their broad knowledge, experience and their differing backgrounds to write the Course. The qualification allows  the RNZYS Course Marshall fleet to be run under a Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) Part 35 exemption. Basically this means that the vessels; although they are in Survey, do not need to be run in MOSS or have commercial skippers.

The minimum requirements to be a Marshall was Boatmasters, VHF Certificate, current First Aid Certificate and MNZ Seafarers’s medical. The program was well subscribed, with over 650 applicants for the required 150 positions. An interesting statistic is that 70 out of the 150  have a ticket higher than Boat master and the others bring  a wealth of marine experience in the own right. 

I feel privileged to be part of this group of highly experienced and skilled volunteers, picked to be Course Marshall’s. I’m looking forward to completing Stage 2 of the training early next month.

With all the Teams now here in Auckland, it won’t be long until we see 4 AC75’s out training on the Waitemata Harbour. I can’t wait to see this as it promises to be an absolute spectacle!

Paul Miller